Pipelines Collection
This page lists all supported and forthcoming pipelines on Aladdin platform. You can find descriptions, documentations, and source codes of pipelines here.
Library Types:
bulk RNAseq (single organism)
Stringent QC checks on RNAseq libraries. Quantify and compare gene expression, and pathway analysis.
Library Types:
rRNA amplicon-seq
Identify, quantify and compare the taxonomic compositions of microbial communities through rRNA amplicon sequencing.
Library Types:
methylation sequencing
QC, map and analyze methylation(bisulfite) sequencing data with bioinformatics tools.
Library Types:
metatranscriptome sequencing
metagenome sequencing
Performs taxonomy profiling using shotgun sequencing.
Library Types:
small RNAseq
Quantify and compare miRNA and other types of small RNA genes.
Library Types:
methylation sequencing
Analyze methylation sequencing data with BSBolt, a fast and scalable bisulfite sequencing analysis platform.
Library Types:
genomic sequencing
Process WGS, WES or gene panel NGS data, detect and annotate germline and somatic variants.
Library Types:
rRNA amplicon-seq
Identify bias in microbiome experiments with the ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community DNA Standard (16S amplicon-seq)
Library Types:
metagenome sequencing
Identify bias in microbiome experiments with the ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community DNA Standard (shotgun metagnome sequencing)